Thursday, 16 September 2021

Watch Vivaha Bhojanambu Movie Online

When the country first witnessed a total lockdown last year, people stood where they couldn't go back in the following days. In one of these scenarios, Vivaha Bhojanambu explores the bride's complete family after marriage.

Mahesh is a person who often gets judged by everyone for the way how he spends money. But, Mahesh doesn’t agree with everyone and maintains good financial care. He marries Anitha. Due to Lockdown Mahesh gets stuck with the family and he should take care of the entire family by ensuring he doesn’t spend more money.

Satya and Aarjavee Raj are the lead roles in this film as Mahesh and Anitha. The film recalls home tasks sharing with the family. Because the storyline centers around a confined environment, it has nothing to say about history and leans on comedy.

Watch Vivaha Bhojanambu Movie Online on YuppTV. Use the YuppTV app on smart TVs and Smartphones to watch your favorite movies and TV shows from anywhere and any time in your home language.

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