Zee Telugu is starting 2025 with a heartwarming new serial, Chamanthi· This story introduces Chamanthi, a simple village girl with a kind soul· She lives with her father, Ramachandraiah, played by Prabhakar, and her mute mother, who works for a wealthy Zamindar family·
Chamanthi’s sister, Roja, has a completely different lifestyle· As an air hostess for Vaayuputhra Airlines, she has been exposed to a modern world. She doesn’t think highly of her family or their village life· In the meantime, Harshvardhan, the founder of Vaayuputhra Airlines, has deep connections with the Zamindar family· His sons, Arun and Prem, add their own twists to the story· But how does Chamanthi end up at Harshvardhan’s home? The answers lie in this exciting drama that started on January 1st·
The serial features an amazing cast, including Meghana Lokesh in the lead role, supported by Asish Chakravarthy, Prabhakar, Aishwarya Verma, and others· Their performances bring life to a story that’s full of emotions, relationships, and relatable moments·
This New Year, Zee Telugu is also making a special effort to celebrate inclusivity· Viewers can look forward to unique contests, including music, comedy, and beauty pageants for differently-abled individuals·
Don’t miss out on Chamanthi! Tune in to Zee Telugu online and watch the Chamanthi serial live to start your year with joy and entertainment·
Note: Channel availability is subject to regional availability.